lochaber, guillotine enthusiast

I currently identify as atheist, but was raised Catholic, and remember being an alterboy in the 80s and us joking about avoiding molestation.  Like, this has been a publicly known issue for longer then most people have been alive.

I recognize Cher, and I think that’s the first tweet of hers I’ve been able to make sense of. But I don’t really use twitter, so I only see tweets like this, and am likely to get more exposure to weird/notable tweets, so...

being poor and/or dirty is almost always a result of circumstance.

Prior enlisted here, and I served with a fuckton of immigrants who weren’t so lucky as to be born with the privileges of U.S. birthright citizenship, and either earned theirs or were in the process of doing so, so maybe you should stop disrespecting the troops, please and thank you..

In any truly decent society, this asshole would not be able to work in any public-facing job.

this anti-BDS stuff just strikes me as absurd. I would think it’s blatantly unconstitutional under the 1st amendment, but I’m not a lawyer, so...

It’s almost like these people have never heard the term “friendly fire”

not all twins are identical

while I think it’s generally good to do what you can to reduce your personal footprint, any effect you may have is pretty much meaningless compared to the scale of industry and agriculture. At a really gross over-generalization, I believe industry/agriculture is something like ~10x the consumption/pollution of

welp, we had a... good run?, I guess?

these types often think of refraining from beating someone to death is “tolerance”

If you are going to detain someone, you have a moral obligation to care for them - that includes medical care.

Anyone needing further info, just take a peek at some of the bulletin boards/online communities for cops/law enforcement, or any of their internal communications. It’s completely binary; them vs criminals, and criminals = anybody not law enforcement.

Any Trump statement that includes a number (regarding anything) = a lie.

sure, that would be more effective, but it’s more fun (and easier) to oppress poor people

so, pizzagate was pretty much yet another instance of right-wing projection...

I’m of the opinion that coffee is a very specific, weird, type of herbal tea.

to be fair, using it on an iphone probably won’t give the same coverage/reception that those of us who have been using it get to enjoy.

Isn’t that what all ducks eat?