lochaber, guillotine enthusiast

I’ve been using this plan for a couple years now. It’s great if you don’t use much data, but still want the option. You only pay for the data that you use, down to the penny.

Wasn’t there something about the British in one of the world war using water from water-cooled machine guns to make tea?

yeah, I don’t know if that’s intentional, but if Knickers is over six foot, then those aren’t much over 3 feet, which is tiny for a cow

“Start packing up!” - when he yelled that, he knew he fucked up.

eh, I don’t think it’s so much what having a job teaches you, as much as it is that having a job as a teenager meant you were more likely to not be wealthy, and having some prior experience with some of the hardships of life.


yeah, this just seems like a recycling of the complaints against “PC culture” from the 90s/aughts, and complaints against “trigger warnings” and “content warnings” more recently.


most of them have enough sense to not say it or state it in any sort of “official” matter.

Prior USMC infantry here.

because they are too fucking stupid to recognize that NY and CA (and other blue states) are literally funding their backwoods, nonproductive, welfare state. 

they are those foam sleeve things for putting a can (maybe a bottle?) of beer in to keep it somewhat insulated.

There’s a lot of racist ass white dudes in the military though.

getting heckled by journalists at your “press conference”

For something like this, I feel it’s more a morale/comfort issue that a not-dying issue.

I thought Bright Sided was pretty good too.

I rather liked Bright Sided as well.

They probably considered those comments as a plus...

I don’t really like spiders getting too close to me, but the solpugids were kinda fascinating. They are fast as hell, and they completely fuck up cockroaches - they just grab them with the front legs and then bite them in half.