Locomotive Jones


What was he supposed to do, punch Trump? This is how men talk behind closed doors (and don’t tell me that your beta husband doesn’t, because you have no idea how he talks when you’re not there). When you hear another man talking like that, you might not agree with it, but you don’t act like a pearl-clutching dork, you

If he didn’t go along with it, Trump wouldn’t have kept talking. Billy’s only mistake was not using the audio.

Children who have been molested would beg to differ.

As a white progressive, you don’t realize you’re doing it. You don’t wake up every day and say “I’m going to hold black people to a lower standard,” but you do it nonetheless. It’s the soft bigotry of low expectations. Personally, I hold everyone to the same standard, regardless of their race, religion, or politics.

How was he an asshole? Because he laughed? This is how men talk behind closed doors. I know you idiots think any decent man would jump up and scream “How dare you!” and immediately throw a punch, but that’s not how it works.

He and Jackie Chan are the best comic actors alive. I’ll throw Jim Carey in there too, just because his face is so rubbery

Murphy is great. Obviously, I wince at some of the bits in the 80s specials now, like the homophobia, but I still think he has given me more gut laughs than any other human with the possible exception of Mel Brooks.

Well, well, well. Looks like we got a bunch of lazy-ass squirrel bros eating all the nuts and basking in the sun while the lady squirrels run their tails off keeping everybody fed and herself lactating. Typical.

People are greedy jealous fucks. Someone has it better? Why? What’s so great about them? I work harder! Fuck them! Fire shooting out of eyes. Ya know

This is not Kim’s fault. You should be able to do whatever you want to do online without some asspieces breaking into your apartment and holding you at fucking gunpoint.

Are you black? Because unless you’re black, using the word “thirsty” as a slang term for “attention hungry” or slutty” is racial appropriation. You self-righteous Jezebel hypocrites always point out racial appropriation if Iggy raps with a black accent, but it’s cool if you steal black slang?

There wasn’t a victim, idiot.

This was an actual ordeal

I love that you idiots still believe she was actually robbed. This is Lochte 2.0 and you gullible shrews are too stupid to see it.

Us normies don’t fake our own robberies. Jezebel will forgive her, though, since she’s not white like Lochte.