She starting fucking Seinfeld like right after her her marriage to another man.
She starting fucking Seinfeld like right after her her marriage to another man.
I’m guessing you’re white, right?
i love that you’re supportive and encouraging of your kids and their natural selves. my parents both have that horrible jewish curly hair that combines everything bad about hair into one head.
I realize this isn’t an example of twerking, but if this is the kind of “dancing” that a culture embraces, it shouldn’t be a surprise when teen pregnancy, bastard children, and deadbeat fathers rates go way up.
Black woman invents a dance
Not really? I mean, Shakespearean English is a thing, and the phrases and idioms he created with the language he gets credit for all the time. People getting credit for their advancements in culture isn’t unheard of and isn’t bad.
When a group of people are getting defensive about who invented ass cheek jiggling, it’s kind of sad, isn’t it?
Seriously? U are seriously arguing that modern day twerking came from Henry Rollins? If you were looking to go further back why not try African traditional dances?
The Chocolate City version of twerking originates from Go Go and looks kinda like what Spike Lee *tried* to capture with the watered down “Da Butt.”
No, Henry Rollins is a self-important dick.
In her memoir, Kim Gordon claims to have seen Henry Rollins twerking when Black Flag played a loft party in NYC in ‘82 or so. That’d be evidence of prior art.
Here are your buddies:
Typical Hillary supporters:
Bad enough when your spouse cheats on you, but with your best friend? That is some bullshit on both parties there.
I fucking hate that argument. My shit bag brother uses it. And he just had a goddamn affair with his wife’s best friend! smh
I don’t detect any sort of sorry at all in that statement.
Gif Party! Yay! I lllluuuuuvvvvv Gif Party!
She’s more beautiful at 46 than any shrew who has ever posted on Jezebel at any age.
I hate that I’m actually getting scared for my safety. I have the only Clinton sign in my yard among a street of Trump signs.
Well yeah glad to hear that. I’m only saying it sounds like him, from my limited following of him.