Locomotive Jones

Are you just joking when you say there is no hand to hand combat in wars and has never been? Up until the 20th century war was primarily hand to hand combat and even now it still happens plenty.

There is a reason why in WWII they had bayonets on their rifles. Because they had to be used in hand to hand combat. Also

yeah...because there are SO many women with an evening tv talk show. Wait, there’s not.

That fax claim is not actually true. and also “Collins supports the South African charity Topsy Foundation, which provides relief services to some of South Africa’s most under-resourced rural communities through a multi-faceted approach to the consequences of HIV/AIDS and extreme poverty. He donates all the royalties

People in the comments are reporting that Phil Collins is a prick himself; I’ll admit I don’t want to believe that, but it’s beside the point.

He’s known for throwing shit and being awful, but I don’t remember hearing anything for a few years now. Even still, she threatened to stab him in the neck with a wine glass. I think being physically removed from the room is about as reasonable of a response one could expect.

She’s also in a fight with my friend on facebook at the moment and its glorious!

Nah, even RZA is corroborating Crowd’s version of events and she was his plus one. Banks has a long history of starting shit with people and then acting as though she was the one who was really under fire. It’s her M.O.

Have you been to Banks’ wikipedia page?

Yes, it does, but in this case there seem to be multiple witnesses (including her friend) backing up his story. So far it sounds like he wasn’t the problem in this situation. First time for everything!

I’d say that specific phrases and idioms are quotes (and should be credited) but beyond that “Shakespearean English” isn’t really a thing, in terms of invention and ownership. Shakespeare used Elizabethan/Jacobean language, as did his contemporaries.

You’re proof that white guilt makes people stupid.

Here’s a cookie.

Who owns waltzing? Who owns rice?

This is where you commit the ecological fallacy of assuming that Kim Gordon, longtime avant-garde figure, is a Typical White Person™.

No, not at all. Are you familiar with the idea that different societies can produce the same technology independent of one another?

Shut the fuck up you whiney liberal cunt.

Because on this site and others: Whitey = devil

Your own white guilt isn’t the point. The point is your statements treat POC like magical others whom are just SO BEYOND UNDERSTANDING and I am sick of it.

Yah but you treat it like god, so that is pretty much the same thing. Some unknowable, but all powerful thing that floats around.

i love her but...... come on. she hasnt practiced law or been in the legal field for over 20 years