Kids: Don’t take risks, or you’ll wind up giving a terrible football team from Houston an end to their nine-game losing streak.
Kids: Don’t take risks, or you’ll wind up giving a terrible football team from Houston an end to their nine-game losing streak.
Has anything gone from nightmare fuel kill-it-with-fire pariah to universally beloved as fast as Gritty?
Tom Brady just had that fan relocated to San Francisco.
You don’t have to break the law - just bend it, like Beckham.
Back in the early 80s arcades we called them ostriches because that’s what they looked like.
Eh, not really. I’m sure there’s some guy out there who sees you buying groceries or washing your car or whatever and thinks you’re “totally cringe” for not buying the superior brand of toilet paper or using the wrong kind of soap on your taillights.
Saving this in case anyone asks me what is the difference between a geek and a nerd.
It’s right there, on the floor.
.So he wondo’d it
It's probably still a good rule.
He was only down there for a few seconds, but his recording device recorded 18 hours of static.
And all those that left the country because they weren’t happy.
No no no, you gotta give Trump voters some credit here. They really are this stupid.
We didnt say anything when that lying lazy idiot before him was in office.
i read like the first... 15? then scrolled for a minute.
It’s true, Albert, you really are the price of shot.
Yes, along with people using the word literally when they mean figuratively.
I won’t comment on the obvious unwarranted use of force, but I can unequivocally say that the use of LOL in literally every social media post should be a fireable offense.
Laura, you’re like, really going all-in on being the centrepiece of the next Dead Letters eh? Trump, Bills fans and Portnoy in one week? Yikes.
And this thoughtless, vile cruelty is a big part of his brand and why a large portion of this nation likes him.