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Hrm. What would happen if the moon exploded?

I had this ridiculous thing when I was young. I never knew it had a story tie-in. I just thought it was a stupid toy trying to cash in on the superman craze of the 80s. Oh wait. It still was.

OK, yea they included a lot of stuff that you'll find in the game but there's one thing that bothers me. One thing that makes absolutely no sense. Where is a companion cube in that room? You've got a picture of Chell? No sir, that should be a picture of our one and only friend.

Really? That gawdawful movie "the last samurai" is the one that inspired him?

It looks like his dad filled the arcade games that HE wanted. Unless his son is 36 years old, I'm willing to bet he has never seen any of them in a real arcade.

I live at World 1 25 SV

AGGH! Look at the pulpy red thing in its mouth

I hope they tightened up the graphics on level 3.

The snow was cool during the mario kart segment but what's the point of having a tv when you can project the same image over the whole room? Just skip the tv and use a projector.

You come from a lineage of dish washers

I saw him live in concert when I was 4 or 5 years old.

It's just called Robot Watch. You can buy one on ebay.

I only need 1 watch.

I don't listen to them. They're too "black" for me. Now, if you'll excuse me. I have to go return some video tapes.

I heard it in spanish and immediately thought bibliotech.

Opulence, I haz it.

Ah, yea. That's a good question. I don't think it's either and probably wouldn't make it on your list of scifi and fantasy tv shows. My fault.

What about the whole last season of Dexter or even just the season finale of Dexter? Something was off and I can't put my finger on it.

Compression has come a long way.