She must not have played NBA Jams when she was growing up.
She must not have played NBA Jams when she was growing up.
It's a helluva way to boil water.
Way more entertaining than FPS Russia.
This looks like one of those model imports.
Powder as Mr. Freeze = perfect
Talk to their sales people. They are willing to work with you. Sometimes all you have to do is ask for a discount.
That's really clever. The flat top of the desk is perfect.
That skit was the best one. I had higher expectations when I saw that Louis was going to host but the show ended up being rather meh.
I put all of those skyrim hours in between november and march. I also average about 40-50hrs per game on my list.
It's good with Ritz crackers.
I had my xbox live account hacked early this year and was shocked when the customer reps took care of it quickly. Seriously, I called once, they asked me a few questions and restored my account. The hacker also purchased games with my credit account information, which I stopped storing on my account and refunded…
It looks like a 3d improved version of this game
I really hated the end of the first one.
Awe the megaman box art was my favorite.
The characters remind me of this weirdness.
1-206-885-7529 is burned into my brain. Did anybody else ever call 1-800-422-2602. As far as I remember it was a number you could call and ask when certain games were coming out.
They can smell you so you better be quiet? wha?