
Look, some women can be the most ardent supporters of an oppressive patriarchal system. Pam has survived in spite of/by virtue of her physical attributes all her life and can’t see the forest for the trees.

Two paragraphs are too much to read?

I member!

Sonic was never good

After the failed launch, I thought about the scene in Contact where the millionare shows the 2nd one they had secretly built - “Why build one, when you can build 2 for twice the price”

Yes, this article reads to me like:

“I walked around Manhattan and saw a bunch of Chinese restaurants and Chinese supermarkets. No noteable landmarks or any thing of major interest. New York is overrated.”

No shit, you were walking around Chinatown without a map.

Now playing

Fair point. Even slow mo crashes can escalate quickly.

Welp, I’m having nightmares tonight

The portals lead to a better game unfortunately they don’t work so you have to use the other portal also known as the power switch to get to a better game.

As the reindeer know, Danger is that place’s middle name!

Hardangervidda loca?

This needs moar stars.

I still maintain that Apple is secretly building a space bridge to Cybertron.

He really worked his ass off to bring this into existence. He has a patreon if you want to help him out. I’m not even really into star fox but I’m a fan of Matts.