
For me, personally. I’d like to see more Hungarian Star Wars.

What a great talent. He will be missed

Hey remember Tom Arnold?

Still not worth 60$

Now playing

I heard those salamanders are also fans of Titanica.

It truly never was.

Wizards of the Coast employees donated some of their personal collections to help him out. How awesome is that?

Now playing

It sounds like they both “borrowed” heavily from the indie gem DKS reality death maze.

Is this a real life southpark episode?

What’s that guy doing to Peter Pan?

Really? We reaaally don’t know what’s in soylent that’s making people sick? Really?

Are you sure about that?

What people don’t know yet is that scientists have already experimented on humans. Here’s the evidence of the human / tardigrade hybrid.

quite possible the most honest video game trailer ever made

This is the facial expression I see in my head when I read these quotes.

Good. Good. Let the hate flow through you.

Star for top-secret reference.