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Almost as awesome as black gold and that guy's mustache.

That's how I've always felt about MMORPGs. They're usually exciting for a month or two but eventually I'll end up asking myself what's the point?

Please oh please no star wars characters in this one.

Just make a 5ft 8in pair of tits with a sword in her cleavage and call it done.

I think I just figured out something. This whole "Ark" thing isn't where they live at all. It's a woman. The last woman on earth. The security want to protect her because they think she's hot and the resistance want to escape because they think she's bitchy. That explains why there are only men. Now I get it.

1979 to 1989. 10 years of people tucking in their shirts.


I've never been happier with a character more than the one I made in champions. I didn't care for the game much but damn if I didn't love that character.


Trackball or gtfo

That's why I like the movie Taken.

This looks fantastic but the thing I always hated about sonic was they touted his speed and how you could move faster than the screen could keep up. The places where you could actually go fast like that were very few and very short. Most of the game was extremely slow platforming and kind of frustrating.

Great minds!

I see some influence from boris vallejo in his work.

It's being released on steam too.

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I used to listen to the Megadeth album Hangar 18 while playing X-wing vs Tie Fighter

They'll learn after it's all chaffed and sore.