
You think that maybe they do it so everybody isn't trying to access the servers at the same time? Have you guys played online games before?

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Did someone say Overkill? What about Project Overkill?

These are quite good. She and Kevin Butler need to team up.

It's a game of butter faces. Everything else looks good but then it looks like they have acromegaly of the face. I'll be putting a bag over it.

Add this to the game and I'll buy it.

The buildings remind me of those modular apartment buildings.

What does it mean when you fall asleep WHILE you're playing? I've had that happen several times. Maybe it could have just been Lord of the Rings online.

It was a very general statement. Of course there are exceptions. There always are. I just wanted to point out that not everybody have valid reasons to complain.

People rip on things that are popular especially when it gets popular to rip on. Even if they don't believe it themselves, they'll talk mad shit just to get in with the crowd.

Isn't that generally the reaction to everything that exists?

Wow, they'll give a star to anybody these days.

This is the cleanest room in his house.

I read that they had to put it on hold until they could get more funding. I was really hoping it was going to come out last year.

This looks a lot like the insanely twisted shadow planet.

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I'm really digging on this game. Finally, something to give Sherlock Holmes a run for his money.

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I knew I had seen that guy somewhere before!