Lane G

1. Don’t use too much detergent

only 37% discussed crypto earning or spending”

Speech Therapy can definitely help, as can augmentative communication devices and other assistive technologies.


5. Vaccuum-seal your clothes

I would prefer to read an article that have to suffer through a video with music I don’t like.

Sounds like something a giant spider planning to drop down from the sky this summer would say. 

It’s taken me a long time to realise the slideshows are opinions  without any supporting evidence.

40 Slideshow Clicks Coming in This Article, Because You Keep Clicking Them

For gods sake, stop the slideshow articles.

place a Popeyes order of at least $20

Just an opinion here, but I want to share anyway: I find the “play something at random” button strikes close to the heart of what I consider a problem for many of us. Instead of sitting down and then FINDING something to watch (which means you’re planting yourself in front of a screen no matter what), why not do the

I learned that by narrowing your browser windows enough, the slideshow converts to a regular article.  Game changer.

All that and you forgot to mention the miss distance. Which is 8.9 times the moon’s orbit. (From EarthSky’s article.)

Team Kappa lets go!