It’s been a long time since I read a lifehacker article with actual useful feeling lifehack info. This was refreshing and welcomed. More of this please.
Find a local roaster you like and buy beans from them. Many will ship or will even set up regular deliveries.
This is a harmful article. Of course you can find positive impacts of screen time (relaxing, say) and quality programming. The problem is that screen media overwhelmingly is: undermining critical human capacities, like reading, exercise, time in the natural world, self-direction, thinking, and attention; piling on to…
My question is, when does it end? How long do you have to keep it all active until the TV is considered “paid off?” Regardless of how you feel about data collection, if it runs the life of the TV, assuming it’s not a lemon means that is one hell of an expensive television. While it’s not for me, I can understand the…
What really turned me around on my views of Slytherin was the sequel book/play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, which did take place in a post-Voldemort world. I was introduced to my two favorite characters of the series who were both sorted into Slytherin and it showed that kids from other houses can be just as…
Cook for 7 minutes
This whole article and you can’t bother to list a single example of a valuable $2 bill?
Newsflash - if your $2 bill is from 1976 and NEWER - It’s worth $2. MAYBE you can convince some sucker to pay more for a CRISP 1976 $2 bill, or if it has a unique serial # (binary, trinary, birthdate) they are worth more but that…
No love for “This Old House??” it shows you how to DO the remodels.
> Write an article about ChatGPT, in the style of LifeHacker
I appreciate that your article is both informative and clever, without hitting us over the head with either.
In my experience, if you’re renting a 1 or 2 BR apartment, you’re unlikely to see significant savings by switching your light bulbs to LED. In my last apartment (1 BR), it took 12 LED bulbs to swap out all the lighting in the apartment. If my bill went down, it was probably only by a few dollars each month. Definitely…
of all the articles that are slideshows with pictures, why isn’t this one of them?
Sepinwall made what I thought was a very interesting point: "Sometimes, when spinoffs bring back characters from the parent series, it’s to remind you of why you liked them in the first place. Both of Walt’s appearances here have instead played up his most insufferable qualities, giving you the worst version of Walter…
The fact that he kept tinkering with the water heater, making a mild nuisance into an unbearable racket is classic Walter White.
Another note - when Jimmy asked Walt about regrets, Walt looked at the watch Jesse gave him on his birthday (implying Walt probably regretted handing Jesse over to Jack).
I have always found the concept of regret, roads not taken and time travel incredibly emotional if done well. This episode hit all three so hard and upon reflection it wrecked me harder then the Titanic. Goddamn it Vince you managed a plausible semi redemption and kinda happy ending. Bravo!