Molester shitass.
Molester shitass.
> “Scott denies every single claim of inappropriate behavior. Almost every one of them can be refuted with evidence.”
Hannah, thank you for writing this:
Scott and his nutjob wife will probably post some looney videos with fake receipts soon. Baio oozes smarminess and delusional. It’s well known he’s an asshole who has coasted off of one role for the last 30 years.
Predatory shitass
All I can say:
We had to say goodbye to my darling pug after nearly 18 years on Monday. This made my day. Hopefully, Rumble and Phoebe are running around and eating peanut butter toast together today.
Its like the Jolie/Aniston feud, but with less Brad Pitt and more cats are the obvious right team.
I’ve always defined third-wavers as the ones who let legislatures erode our abortion rights so they could talk about how much they liked porn, but that’s probably not what you’re looking for.
If a woman is older than about 23 and her favorite movie is still B@T then that is all I need to know about her. See also: guys who love Catcher in the Rye. You might be a perfectly delightful person, but we can’t be friends.
This is like the ninth comments here you “readily admit” that you might be miscommunicating or misreading. Maybe it’s time to listen, absorb, and think for awhile. In case you’re sincere, not every thought that anyone has is worth airing and sharing. If you’re not sincere, this is devil’s advocacy/just-wing-it s…
good because this is not “Jezebel’s Next Best Friend” - ok?! or is it. now i’m confused. whatever, wine!
Yes! And when we do talk about it, someone inevitably starts throwing around words like “jealous” or “catty”—even though we’re saying both are terrible.
This conflation of appearance and work prowess could go the other way as well. “I remember looking at people that we were going to interview for the project and [Morgan and Jeremy] kind of making an assessment based on what they looked like,” a former producer who worked with the company in 2009 says. “Like, oh I wish…
This is exactly why I extricated myself from geek culture a long time ago. Although the seeds of it definitely were present in the ‘90s, at some point in the ‘00s geekdom became a den of truly vile misogyny, which reared its head publicly with Gamergate. And, of course, since this was a movement full of resentful…
when Rich Juzwiak called her a baby dinosaur in one of his classic ANTM recaps, back when his blog was called FourFour and he was a fun, model-obsessed cat lady and not Jezebel’s most depressingly sexual movie reviewer.
(1) Nyle DiMarco is everywhere these days, and deservedly so.