I’m so sorry. I’m sure Phoebe had a wonderful life and now she’s having a grand old time in puppy heaven.
I’m so sorry. I’m sure Phoebe had a wonderful life and now she’s having a grand old time in puppy heaven.
LOL, I love that “almost.” Way to equivocate, Chachi’s lawyer!
“Publicity charade” is such a weird thing to say. Surely if Eggert or Polonsky simply wanted attention, they could have (or would have) been seeking it in some other way before this, but no one’s heard from Eggert in years and no one knew Polonsky existed before last week (no offense, kid, but it’s true).
Do we know that about Benicio for sure? I mean yeah, he seems a bit slutty (who isn’t lol), but he is involved in his daughter’s life and seems quite friendly with her mom Kim Stewart, despite the child being the result of a fling and not a relationship. I apologize if there are worse stories about him I haven’t…
I feel like part of the probelm is that we (as women) see this as two distinct issues, but it’s really the same issue. For example: women over 40 expressing relief that they’re no longer harassed on the street. It is a relief to no longer be seen/treated as prey, but is it really conceptually different from being…
Ut-oh, you’ve enraged Capt Nerd for daring to “extricate” yourself from his shitty culture! Prepare for days of internet comment battle; it’s not like these guys have anything else to do.
“Warrior Poets” would have been my first red flag.
Nyle could sexually arouse a tree stump. *fans self*
The winners, especially recent ones, don’t do so bad themselves. Nyle DiMarco (as Eunice points out below) is quite successful. India Gants is now signed with Ford—that’s outside of the ANTM prize and is prestigious. Britt Kline recently gave up modeling but she spoke quite eloquently about her choice to do so,…
She’s like a doll. So effing pretty!
Dani is my number-one all-time favorite ANTM! She is just beautiful—as a model and as a person. I check out her Insta sometimes ... she seems to spend a lot of time in Italy, she has an adorable French bulldog puppeh who has been her companion for years, she models for everyone from Off-White to Sports Illustrated—I…
Oh my god girl, not only was that piece my first intro to the darling Clover Hope, fellow ANTM obsessive who rightly put Yaya at #2 and Elyse not on the list AT ALL, but I commented there! I mentioned how adorable Bre was and how cute it was when Rich Juzwiak called her a baby dinosaur in one of his classic ANTM…
Are we really still doing that “ANTM produces no top models” thing that is only said by people who don’t actually know anything about modeling? Sorry, that was probably super-bitchy, but do you really not know how well Leila Goldkuhl has done for herself? Fatima, Duckie, Ebonee?
I hate this for all the reasons eloquently stated above plus a few more, such as: Where is the historical context? By not mentioning Thomas 10/11/91 or Packwood 10/1/95 or Cosby 6/5/17, it’s a dumb trendy shirt that doesn’t acknowledge the groundwork that so many women laid back when victims of harassment and rape…
I love this “feminist” position that sets alcohol as neutral and benign, typically coming from the same people who would scoff at the equally remedial “Guns don’t kill people; people kill people.”
Last time I checked coffee wasn’t a poisonous, mind-altering drug that is provably present in untold cases of sexual assault, physical violence, and other myriad undesirable behavior.
I’m not your “brah,” and I sling shit where it’s deserved.