Lorem Ipsum

OH SHIT, I'M SUPPOSED TO BE DIETING RIGHT NOW? Damn, I had no idea. And here I was not worrying about my weight like some kind of freak. Guess I should have read the bride-to-be handbook. Hope my fiancee isn't too horrified by my disgustingly obese body on our wedding day.

A rooster once chased the UPS delivery guy back into his truck. We had to go get the package from him. He probably eats chicken for revenge, too.

Oh yeah, duck is the BEST. Those are some damn tasty assholes!

Chicken tears are the perfect marinade.

Crikey. That was both hilarious and painful to watch. As entertaining as this lady is, I imagine there must be plenty of animals rights activists out there who hate this shit. Animal rights activists all get lumped in the same category. People like this bag of crazy give a bad name to those reasonable people

I raised chickens growing up and can attest that yes, they are major assholes. Assholes that are best served fried with waffles.

I think a lot of it has to do with the skin tightening techniques of a facelift. The skin gets stretched back toward the ears and scalp, pulling the corners of the lips and widening the mouth. Depending on the extent of the facelift, this can be subtle to extreme. Even if a patient doesn't get any lipwork done, a

My thin, 130lb aunt who discovered she has very high blood pressure and LDL cholesterol agrees! Skinny does not equal healthy.

Totally reasonable. I cook everything with peanut oil, including salmon. Walnut oil is also excellent for pan-frying. A kitchen isn't likely to use peanut or other nut oils because of how common nut allergies are, but it still can't hurt to double-check.

An all-expenses paid, 7-day work trip to a gorgeous sea-side town in Greece sounds like it would be a wonderful experience. Instead, I ended that trip covered in stress-hives, with an eye twitch, and randomly crying.

And some people are actually getting angry that the author would write that. Anger over an innocuous slang term that just so happens to be associated with a certain segment of society. *headdesk*

Says the person writing in sentence fragments.

#notallbirds #ionlypooponstupidcommenters #slangisreallyhard

I would say it is 100% disingenuous. It vacillates between "Ohh wow, such strange, exotic language" and "why can't you just speak proper, civilized English?"

If only there were a tool people could use to look up phrases with which they are unfamiliar. That would be great!

No, it adds zero credibility to the story. A suspect resisting arrest does not merit an officer drawing his weapon. Ever. That only happens on television and in cases of abuse and incompetency.

The thing that really got me about that sentence is how it implies that all interaction between the sexes must be about sex and attractiveness. I mean, if the ladies get mad every time I comment on their appearance, then I can't talk to them at all! What else could I possibly have to say to them?

Yup. And if a guy is online complaining about the women who don't like it because of some dystopian future where "we will not be able to interact between the sexes," obviously whatever he's getting out of it is really important to him.

Haha! See, these dudes just don't know their audience. If only they'd take half a second to ascertain where their advances would be welcome!

Ok, I think I get what you're saying, despite the hyperbole. Maybe this should be the takeaway of this article: when a man talks to a woman, he shouldn't make her attractiveness to him the entire topic of conversation. I have plenty of really great conversations with men. Exactly zero of those great conversations