Lorem Ipsum

To me that doesn't sound embarrassing as much as it does terrifying. A large group of dude-bros like that could escalate to mob-mentality-level aggressive, especially after the emotion of a game. I'd glad they didn't come after you and your sister physically. GOD this shit pisses me off!

And some of those guys like it best when they can get a rise out of a woman. I've seen guys practically clap their hands with glee when a woman responds; they're like internet trolls. Yet other guys look shocked and chagrined when a woman actually stands up for herself. It's tricky to know what type of street

Ahhh! The hissing is so creepy. I was introduced to that brand of cat-calling in Northern Africa.

I understand the Feminist-Failure feeling, but it does make me feel better to see proof that not ALL guys are like the street-harassing trolls. Also, I think some of those trolls don't understand that women are human like they are, so for them to listen, the message has to come from someone they already accept as

Oh yeah! In my old neighborhood I used to get catcalled a LOT, and it was the particularly shitty kind you describe. One day walking with my then-boyfriend, for some reason I ended up a little way behind him (don't quite remember why) and received some shouted gems followed by a lovely rape threat when I failed to

Yes! That is so fucking shitty. I hope someday he really does want help but nobody will stop.

Yo, if she wears a bikini and light-up acrylic platforms everyday in public where assholes like this are walking around, she deserves respect x100 because that is BADASS.

What does that even mean!

Um, yeah. It looks like someone stitched together two different photos, then went rogue with the blur tool. I don't know what is going on with her poor neck; probably an attempt to make it look longer. I know far too many unemployed Photoshop gurus for this hot mess to be acceptable.

Photoshop can do that to a gal.

I didn't even know these were a thing! There goes my innocence. I feel like there must be a way to make the concept work, but this is definitely not it.

I didn't even know the spork dress was a thing! I feel like there must be a way to make the idea work; this clearly is not that way.

Photoshop and carefully-trained facial features will do that to a gal.

YES. You beat me to it. Seriously, I know so many Photoshop wizards that can't find work; this is inexcusable! It's like someone stitched two photos together and went rogue with the blur tool. I don't know what the hell they did to her poor neck, probably trying to make it look longer.

Oh man, I totally forgot about these books. I read the shit out of that series, and I thought Stevie was the COOLEST. I even started ordering weird ice cream flavors to be more like her character.

I'm so sorry you were put through that at almost-16. BUT I'm very happy you were able to overcome it with a fantastic experience shortly thereafter! Also, bonus points for FDNY dress uniform. Damn girl!

You happily married the first person you had sex with? You're like a magical unicorn!

I like the stories where people actually have a good time and aren't totally mortified/ashamed/injured. It gives me hope for future generations.

Age: 17

Haha! You'd think that sort of momentum would be rough on a condom. Some guys have an innate ability to really rocket the stuff, while with other guys it just sorta dribbles out like drool.