Lorem Ipsum

I always thought that was something they told us in health class just to scare us out of having unprotected sex.

Depends on the guy, I would imagine. For an inexperienced 16 year-old, it would probably be pretty stressful. But for a more mature, practiced guy it would be easier. Some men have developed very good self-control, and they know their bodies well enough that they have plenty of warning before they blow their wad.

Those wrist tattoos are cool. But I wanna see the fat unicorn!

That's exactly what I was thinking. I'd be uncomfortable with this guy knowing what STATE I live in, let alone my home address!

Wish it was dementia. But everything he spouts, I was taught in church when I was little. I was scared of the dark for far too long because all the adults around me legitimately believed demons roam the Earth. Everyone had stories about the time they fought off a demon by quoting scripture and invoking the name of

Are we related? I'm still scarred from watching through the window as my friends from school went trick-or-treating; I had to stay home because of all the demon-worship. I JUST WANTED TO WEAR A TUTU IN PUBLIC AND GET FREE CANDY!

Ugh, soooo much of this where I grew up, near a Seneca reservation. Hanging a hot-pink dreamcatcher from your rear-view mirror doesn't negate your racist-as-fuck beliefs.

This. I don't want to pay to keep Chelsea in prison for 35 years, but since I have no choice, I'd prefer she be treated with dignity.

Ugh, bad doctors can be the worst. In highschool I got tendonitis from running track, and the doctor told me if I didn't want to continue injuring myself, I should stop dieting and besides most boys prefer a girl with a little meat on her bones. My mom just about blew a gasket. I think regionalism might have had

I was reeeeeaaally super skinny as a teenager and had a couple mortifying experiences with one teacher who sent other girls to the bathroom with me to make sure I wasn't purging. Also, many awkward, misguided discussions about body-image with the school guidance counselor. For the most part, being thin probably

Yes please. Enough with the suffering Olympics.

Thank you for this article, Lindy. I remember the moment, as a skinny teenager, when I realized that what I experienced was not just "thin-shaming" so much as it was "woman-shaming." It didn't matter what I looked like, people were going to criticize and concern-troll me, because my body is considered public