Aww, bless you fur doing that work! (I’m keeping that autocorrect)
Aww, bless you fur doing that work! (I’m keeping that autocorrect)
If you marry for money, you’ll work for it everyday of your life.
That face looks like it is used to stur gallons of chlorine into pool water
She’s got that whole drag queen on diet pills thing down
I just realised what rubs me totally wrong way about Kellyanne Conway (apart from her antebellum level racism and delusional way of thinking) – what the fuck is wrong with that jaw? Has she never heard about corrective surgery?!
But.... why? Why?!!!!! I feel so bad for those cat buttons.
I’m surprised they’re all not wearing Hugo Boss.
Bitch, condition your hair!!!!!!!!
I know it’s Gucci, but it looks like a Burger King uniform for the bicentennial.
He was also an illegal immigrant smuggling marmalade into the country.
Yeah, she looks like a Holocaust victim with a second job as a rodeo clown.
Looking like Napolean, currently.
You leave Napoleanne Bonaway alone.
not one pass shall be given to the devil. not one pass.
When I was 15 years old, I tried hallucinogens for the first time.
I can’t stop laughing. If I can just keep this up for four years, maybe I won’t have a mental breakdown.
Why did they have to drag Paddington into this? He didn’t do anything! . . .other than wear it better.