
Ahh...Scritti Politti. It’s like Sophomore year all over again. Where’s my Vespa?

You nailed it! There was something inimitable about it. And what was that woman’s name who was always a guest on it? She wasn’t famous for anything else. Bowl haircut, lesbian vibe. Witty. Smoked on camera sometimes.

do you know when he was killed? I was born in 81 and have memories of just roaming around a k-mart or bradlees on my own. I also remember milk box children becoming a thing.

Leaving aside the issue of “sending a six-year-old OUTSIDE the store is bad practice,” you’re right - the 80s was a completely different time, particularly before Adam was killed, and people left their kids alone ALL THE TIME. They didn’t expect anyone to watch them - it just didn’t dawn on them that child abductions

One of the Great Loons of America has passed. God, he was wonderful in a coked-up-Wayne-Newton-Meets-Hugh-Hefner way. Which is to say it was great television.

Two stories:

Aww man, my Dad and I used to watch The Gong Show when I was little. He thought the Unknown Comic was the funniest thing ever. Dad is a difficult guy who wasn’t born with the patience for parenting, so it’s a happy memory of him.

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind is one of my favorite films. What a study in an unreliable narrator.

My immediate reaction was, “he looks great!”.

Oprah Winfrey is $150 million or so richer (excluding taxes or whatever) after selling an immensely expensive 1912

Her opponent later admitted that it was the longest he ever lasted with a girl.

I had that thought too. Everyone that owes money, file an extension.

I’m here to help.

The best catfight is when Crystal gets thrown into the pool!!! GREAT TIMES.

The world needs the return of the great catfight.

I love this, but all I can think of when I see Holland Taylor is her character from The L Word...

Fuck! I thought we’d rid ourselves of this plague to humanity!”

-Various Republicans

Now playing

Here is a bat, in a blanket, trying to eat a banana.

Hey now, hey...snakes get rid of pests, love the warmth, and sleep all day; they are clearly democrats. Probably stoners, too.

Here, enjoy this tiny baby Republican snake.