
I started seeing Christmas commercials before Halloween. I feel rushed somehow when this happens. As if we can’t bear to slow down and enjoy each season on its own. On Halloween, Macy’s was decked out in Christmas decorations and the Empire State Building was green and red-- I didn’t even see the usual Tom Turkey over

I have super thick hair and these hair claws are LEGIT. They hold my hair up all day and I DON’T get a headache. 

The way the tiniest movement on this woman’s face can communicate MULTITUDES of emotions blows me away every time. She doesn’t even have to SPEAK to break my heart or crack me up or stop me in my tracks. She’s such a gifted artist.

<<She also says that she’s had “the covid” four times and no longer has a sense of smell or taste, though one could argue she’d been missing the latter years before the pandemic hit.>>

Single parent working multiple jobs, but we never had enough money to pay all the bills every month. Parent simply wouldn’t open most bills. That led to collections, repossession, etc. I found myself not opening bills when I was on my own due to the same anxiety. I literally had to start by asking a good friend to

I did not expect to like the thin ones as much as I do! I think I would like these newer Oreos in regular or thin form- the extra-double-stuffed is too much filling, throwing off the cookie to filling ratio.

I have regular purses that size! I do find the (alleged) relationship icky from the doctor/patient angle, not to mention unethical, before we even get to the weird age gap.

I feel awful because my husband & I have each managed to kill one (two total)--whyyyyy

My friend’s mom developed a sudden egg allergy in her 60s- I’ll be sharing this link. Thanks!

This sounds (and probably smells) DIVINE. I swear I’d buy a candle that smells like sauteeing onions if I could (noting that yes, you mentioned this is a diff technique, I just LOVE the smell of sauteing onions)!!

It’s never “My God, what’s wrong with these men that SO MANY OF THEM feel they are entitled to end a woman’s LIFE?” jfc

Yeah I wonder if that’s an issue of control and/or not feeling able to point out the unequal dynamic. I definitely don’t understand stopping someone from doing the dishes ‘MY’ way-- my mom was that way, but the way I see if, my husband can clean the bathroom/kitchen/vacuum however he wants, as long as he does it! 

I guess it depends on what we’re referring to in our individual scenarios. I think life skills such as cooking, cleaning, home decorating, keeping track of appointments/finances are helpful for everyone, but the onus seems to be on young women to carry these. I’m not condoning ending anyone’s childhood, I’m saying the

OR would boys learn responsibility just like girls are expected to? Would men grow up and have fewer expectations of women ‘serving’ them on top of everything else? I fail to see how putting similar expectations on young boys and men that young girls and women face is a problem. This feels like one helluva reach.

Is your dad... my.. mom??

That stuff sure works, but my husband cannot bear the smell at all, and he’s the main dishwasher. I’m not a big fan, but I don’t hate it as much as he does. It is STRONG.

I remember a butter rum lifesaver that was SO good! 

I can’t waiiiiiiit to make these!

I could only find 4 of these this weekend at my TJ’s- I’m guessing supplies are low! The candy cane JoJo ice cream is something I look forward to all year (none this weekend, quelle dommage). The chocolate mousse cakes are my favorite- one or two is perfect and satisfies my petit fours obsession.

She did not deserve the creepy ‘interrogation’ of Matt Lauer, and I think she was great in Devil Wears Prada, but there’s still something of the drama classmate when she does things like the ‘cupcake hack’ and acting like it’s something groundbreaking (really? Didn ‘t Liz Lemon do that 20 years ago?) and ‘cRaZy.’ I do