
Or Israel can stop slaughtering civilians under its domination and instead grant basic civil and political rights to all the people under its domination. Why do Palestinians deserve any less?

Hey white people , if you could stop shoe-horning MLK into every fucking bad political take you have that’d be great, m’kay?

I’m too pretty for the Cheesecake Factory!

Emma Roberts has a reputation for being like this on set so yeah, it probably did.

Emma Roberts comes off, both on screen and in real life, as an incredibly entitled and unlikable person. I have no idea if this happened at all or exactly or close to what Ross said, but I find it difficult to give Roberts the benefit of the doubt.

Do not mistreat your gut flora. They are the foot soldiers of your immune system. Be kind to them, feed them good things and they will take care of you.

All the ‘weight’ you lose from laxatives is water. Don’t do that.

Now playing

“Sideways” is my favorite comedy/drama, and man she is so excellent in it. And unbelievably gorgeous in it (and before/after it) too!

They weren’t prisoners, and syphilis wasn’t given to them by the government. If I recall correctly, they were patients with syphilis who were led to believe they were being treated for it. But instead of treating them, the doctors allowed the disease to run its course while observing its effects for research purposes.

At others, the show comes after Meghan in a way that could potentially be seen as a step too far, depending on where you stand on this whole affair as well as the general tone of South Park. “Isn’t it true, sir, that your questionable wife has her own TV show and hangs out with celebrities and does fashion magazines?”

I’m not a fan of Olivia Wilde, ASAP Rocky or Harry Styles. But that people feel so strongly to think, it seemed like Wilde was going after the very-much-partnered rapper” makes them a bunch of Bozo’s. One can just as easily say that one celebrity woman is giving props to another celebrity woman and her man! They seem

The most pervasive I’ve seen is the Cash is King. If you grew up poor, you are extremely hesitant to keep savings in anything other than cash. Of course you should always have a cash emergency fund, but hoarding cash is bad. Having hundreds of thousands of dollars sitting in a checking account means you are, in this

The problem is the “things that don’t have a place” naturally lead to anxiety about finding/making/buying places for them.

Can confirm that this method is golden for people who have ADD/ADHD or other processing issues, or who are just terrified or ashamed of their lack of cleaning skills. It removes the whole issue of “this mess is overwhelming” and breaks it down to a process of identifying things - right now I’m looking for trash, is

I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that if they dared use guns to defend themselves, the sheriff’s department would roll in and murder their entire family.

What sucks is that when they do end up defending themselves the kkkops will come down on them in force.

Are we sure she isn’t just in it for the lifelong copayments starting young?

Miranda has worked as Mendes’ personal chiropractor for years” - Um. Seeing as we’re talking about adults here, it seems to me that in terms of being potentially icky, (former(?)) employer-employee and (former(?)) caregiver-patient out rank age by a significant margin.

I’d never heard of Scanpan until this article. Clicked through and briefly went down the rabbit hole. Unfortunately we got new non-stick pans a couple years ago that are still functioning well. Dammit, I want a Scanpan now though.

Also, don’t buy this houseplant that’ll probably kill you!