
If you hook a shark, it’s going to bleed. TMZ apparently has a vid of it swimming away. BFD, no story here.

This is a bad take.

Follow the rust trail until you see smoke.


It looks like cheap flash animation from the early aughts, those terrible designs aren’t helping matters, and the voices....

I’m almost 40, so I am absolutely not the demo for this, but the Turtles have a pretty broad appeal and I genuinely don’t understand why nickelodeon keeps trying to make them so

Nope, looks bad. Looks like they are trying to overwhelm visually, which means the stories will be crap.

Opposite here. I need 3 blankets, but my wife turns into the fucking Human Torch at night.

Companies are already beginning to lose faith in targeted advertising, I’m optimistic that the whole system will implode soon.

It’s nice we are building Skynet a clock.

Any solstice now, Stonehenge is going to scare the crap out of some tourists when it starts its 5,000 year anniversary animation.

I can’t believe anyone is calling this human ‘idol,’ regardless of her side eye skills.

Google is your friend. And she’s a he. Rejecting one’s penis and having everyone go along with your mental illness doesn’t change basic biology. Scarlet isn’t a heroine for feminism, but the latest attack on biological women who are now expected to go to the back of the culture bus as mentally ill men take their place

Don’t disrespect their life choices. They obviously care deeply for each other.

I’m sure some already do.

‘one day’ 😂😂😂

When I read ‘Stands empty” in the headline I expected to see everyone leave in protest of something so unsportsmanlike as a brawl. Anyone else?

Nope. Nope nope nope. Video games don’t belong in the Olympics. The chess people have been trying to do this for decades, and they’re wrong for exactly the same reason. The Olympics is for sports, for athletes, who compete in physical, non-representative events with their own bodies.

Oh so you’re saying that ordering food delivery through a 3rd party means that someone’s going to have to pay that 3rd party, and it’s probably partially going to be you?

I feel like the “Deadspin Snow Idiots” tag narrowcasts a bit too much, whereas “Deadspin Idiots” could conceivably become a pretty big hub.