
And the hilarious part is neither one of them own it. Twitter does.

The company doesn’t own the twitter account.  Twitter does.

If elected she stands zero chance of accomplishing anything.  She will be frozen out of every single power group in Washington.

Its almost like they forgot the lessons of the 90's and WANT people to start pirating all their media again.

I love how struggling to pay the bills bloggers think they dress good.

Glad you are okay Make. Wish you well on your continued health and recovery!

The truth isn’t very popular around here.

Jesus could that dude stop shaving long enough to record the video?

Thank god he saved those texts.

Its almost like its impossible to make money catering to your first demographic.

That is exactly what I thought too.  I was so confused.

I never even thought of the heat transference issue.

Serena just ran out of juice.

Just out of curiosity what are some of your top choices if you have time?

F-15 Strike Eagle forever.

That was exactly what I said too.  Hes either a buddy or a firefighter that is currently off duty that came to watch the game with his buddies.

I see what you did there.

Why would they nuke themselves?