
I guarantee you very very very few trans woman are incognito. They might think they are but everyone knows.

As long as you like Trump as your president you are correct it was a good move.

If you seriously think facebook influenced the election any more than any other new station you are an idiot and you can’t be helped.

Its hilarious you don’t understand how fucking insane you sound.

Thats why these people will always be minimum wage employees.

I’m having a fantastic time. But then again I worry about my own life instead of worrying about other peoples lives that don’t care about their own lives.

Fake news!

Well the secret is out now. Tesla’s really run on the blood of its workers.

I was over there in April to walleye fish. I can confirm that this is not fixed and I wish I had seen this article before I went over there. Saw it blow out 2 cars tires in front of me and there another 5 pulled over on the side of the road.

Yeah I don’t see this as him being anything but this guys ally and trying to keep him employed. He couldnt have done anything to save him if people found out.

My credit union has a coinstar machine for members that doesn’t take a percentage. I think they would shit if I brought my 6 gallons of change in.

I have a change hording problem. I never spend it and it has grown into quite a lot of money now.

I have a 1 gallon bag of quarters. It is approximately 500 dollars worth.

Elon Musk like a lot very intelligent people appears to have some sort of mental illness. I will not attempt an armchair diagnosis.

They have tried to cluster everyone in with hookers for years. They want you to think the stripper working at the local club is the same as the 16 year old working for a pimp.

They absolutely think that. A lot of them go one step further and think you should be tried for NOT murdering rich people.

I had a similar experience with a pair of wrist supports that the sizing wasn’t accurate on. They sent me the next size up no questions asked and told me to keep the original.

They problem is they have never had real jobs in their lives so they have no idea what having one is like.

“Even after that, why should other channels’ successes be focused on someone else’s viewers?”

Editor’s note: This article originally ran on 1/09/2012, six and a half years ago. I bumped it up in 2016 and am doing so again today, partly due to the release of Dark Souls: Remastered, but mainly because our shitty websites are tanking so we are recycling old ass content as much as possible to try to make some