
Gotta remember they don’t deal in statistics and facts. Only feelings.

God damnit, stop linking this bullshit racist garbage on deadspin.

She was clearly trying to kick the police officer at the start of that video.

Pelican is probably more well known for their gun cases than camera cases.

Pelican is probably more well known for their gun cases than camera cases.

It wont. They don’t care.

Yeah youre scared of white men but 96 percent of black murders are on other blacks and black on black murder rate is 6 times higher than the white. But hey that white guy might be mean to you.

Lion King just showed in my city and it basically broke every record we had for a show. Every night sold out almost instantly.

Wearing a mask in public is already a crime in a lot of places.

The word you are looking for is jealous not embittered.

So back when you guys were Gawker how do you feel about the fact Denton incorporated in the Cayman islands?

I never understood it either. When I was freshman on the hockey team a senior put shampoo in my 350 dollar ice skates. They all though it was hilarious until I beat his ass in front of everyone. Then they all left me alone.

Thanks for fully proving my point.

Selective morals aren’t morals.

If by excellent you mean not good... yeah..

You haven’t been around here very long have you? This entire group of websites is nothing but hypocritical bullshit. They supposedly have all these anti bullying values but they apparently only apply to liberals. If you’re a white woman they have no problem shitting all over you but will take anyone to task for the

Odds of being struck by lighting 1 in 700,000.

Odds of being stuck by lightning = 1 in 700,000

Yeah I stumbled upon this job while I was working as a contractor for another company. Once I saw the work load and their benefits I made it my lifes mission to get into this place.

They could have but didn’t want to spend one of their 5 weeks + 1 day of leave we get a year.

Yes. We get a week of sick days, 1 personal day and 4 weeks of vacation a year. He could have used any one of those and he makes well above the average wage for our area.