
I watch gold rush because I like watching the machinery. The fake drama shit bugs the shit out of me.

That sounds like a job people would do for free honestly.

I wish I could hire a guy to stalk me and randomly shoot me with an injection of the flu shot like they do to tranquilize an animal. I am terrified of needles but know I should get my flu shot. If it was done like this it would be over before I was afraid.

I got you beat. Some moron brought their kid to work. They brought them because the day care wouldn’t take them because they were sick.


On Stormy Daniels neck.

TDS strikes again

Is he coming down i94? He should be passing through my town anytime now if he is.

Thanks for letting us all know you are racist.

When your protest is disruptive to a business don’t be surprised when that business refuses to give you a platform anymore.

Hes holding the racket in front of him so it appears bigger than it actually is.

Their numbers and statistics are wrong.

“rifles fire bullets at much higher velocities than small arms, creating blast waves that radiate outwards and damage tissue as they pass through the body. Per Schreiber”

They kill more than Mass School shootings too.

Holy shit the first time I slept with the new girl friend I was like what the fuck are you doing over there I think you are going to burn me.

Wait its really made of Titanium? I hope he has someone guarding that thing 24x7.

You understand that does not help your argument at all right? 65 percent of country is white.

Trump voters make on average 5k more a year than Hillary voters. Its been over a year. You should probably pull your head out of the sand.

If you think welfare fraud is rare you’re fucking delusional. I see bridge cards for sale in Detroit EVERYDAY on facebook.