
Bullshit. He has an adams apple. It does look androgynous.

Thats a dude. It has an adams apple they like to photoshop out.

Thats a man.

I see shes going to try to parley a fake rape into a career.

Most stand alone ATM’s only have a few thousand dollars in them at most. The real kicker is if they would have just stolen the whole ATM they would be facing much less charges. It is only a federal crime if you take a banks ATM.

Duffel bags are the preferred way of carrying large amounts of cash from robberies.

I assume cheating in Chess involves a computer?

+1 for gorilla channel reference.

I’m a U of M fan and even I feel sorry for you guys. The way this has been handled is an embarrassment to our entire State.

I wondered if this was going to get picked up nationally or not.

I hope they don’t make him angry.

Maybe someone who works at Taco Bell shouldn’t be having kids.

Man you really need to look up what the word racist actually means.

Good fuck these people aiding and abetting criminals.

I guess liberals really aren’t against body shaming after all.

1) It snows in the Sahara. Gizmodo did a story on it a couple years ago.

Kill yourself.

Sounds like liberal cities are a shitty place to live.

“following a 2001 wire fraud conviction, leading to two years appealing the case while on house arrest, a 30-month sentence, a deportation order”