
One persons decision to work for free should have nothing to do with what another person did. Thats why they are called personal decisions.

Heaven forbid you disrupt their echo chambers.

You have it wrong. They should increase rates exclusively in New York City to fund the defense of any law suit.

Hopefully natural gas rates increase appropriately exclusively for New York City residents.

I think this bill outlaws using them as scouting devices.


Sounds like Heroin strikes again.

This is turning out even better than I had hoped.

Some Hockey pants have belts you just can’t see them.

Holy crap she is so much younger than I thought she was from that picture!

Grown women deciding to fuck a man to further their career then being jilted when it doesn’t work isn’t rape.

Yesssssss this is what I have been waiting for.

My resolution is to get back to work. I have been on administrative leave going on 3 weeks now because 2 of my asshole coworkers accused me of having an affair with our boss because I am friendly with her and we get along well.

Eh, My sister had a little shit Japanese foreign exchange student. They aren’t much different than this dumb ass kid.

Those are Chinooks.

Its almost like there have been tons of study’s that have determined the female voice is more pleasing to listen to.

.. and the seasons on the rest of the planet. Holy shit grade school science is failing miserably.

The people here dont care man. Its worthless to try. They are creating their own narrative in their echo chambers and then they are going to wonder why they lost again.

Pivot to video is a pox on the internet.

I have only had it a couple days so that does make me feel better. I have a game going now that I probably wont get much further but I am getting further every time I don’t make a stupid mistake. I did not realize units leveled up...