
I would just buy a really expensive camera and start taking high quality photos of them and posting it on a members only site. Might as well make some money off it.

If you think this is some unique situation to Canada or Mexico you’re an idiot.

Go to the fucking police or keep your trap shut and enjoy the benefits you get out of it.

Then you aren’t anti violent.

Its always fun when liberal progressives reveal their true selves isn’t it?

Wait I am white and I never knew about cabbage. I love cabbage and the way I prepare it is widely eaten in middle class China but I would also never bring cabbage as a gift.

And for the first round of the 2018 draft the Cardinals choose....

A+ would read again

The belt is laying on the ground behind him. I hate that I went and looked to find out.

Came for the triggered liberals. Was not disappointed.

Came for the triggered liberals. Was not disappointed.

No one stands a good chance of become disabled. That is a dumb statement.

“ the money to pay that much for tickets for a single game. Merchandising is where the money rolls in,”

They are certainly spending more money but for some reason you are convinced that 13 percent of population of which 27.4 percent lives below the poverty line are supporting the NBA. 

LOL try looking at the crowd at a basketball game sometime.

I’m sure corporations are shaking in their boots that the smallest population and poorest race in American might might boycott them,

They got you covered man, just pirate it.

I will be pirating it for free because Fusion tells me its okay.

Just want to remind everyone of this companies stance on pirating media content for free.

Oh shit its time to be a highlight truther! What the hell is that flying off the gophers hand right when it makes contact with the kids face mask? I think he chloroformed him.

exhibit A: