
Can someone please discuss the fact they are both turning into Steven Tyler?

Na, the assholes that started taking a knee during the national anthem are the ones that started trying to divide us. But it is just like a liberal to blame someone else for their actions.

White people wont get involved because they understand the statistics do not support their feelings.

And of course they say “The parents said because Isaac is a U.S. citizen, the operation was covered by Medicaid.”

Yes these people are being intentionally intellectually dishonest or they are just dumb. They can pick one.

So its a bunch of magic cards glued to a black body suit?

Ferrari’s armor would probably light on fire.

The lead image looks way too much like goatse.

Yes murder is a statistically isolated incident.

This is fucking genius and I am upset that I did not even think of it.

Oh look, someone that needs to look up the definition of murder.

I know this article is really old and you probably dont even work here anymore but its a shame you left the Gilmore Car Museum off the list.

Fuck HamNo for giving this guy a platform.

Fuck this guy and fuck you for giving him a platform.