Hem weights? What century is this?
Hem weights? What century is this?
"almost spluttering on her iced almond-milk single-shot cappuccino."
Shots fired in the conscious uncoupling of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin! While Our Lady of Divine Goop was…
Having lived in both Orlando and Anaheim, Disney World is FAR superior. It's much, much bigger and has less crowds if you don't pick a super busy week (holidays weeks and such). Disneyland is overrun with locals with passes. Disney World is primarily tourists and I think the mass amount of other large theme parks in…
I will be the dissenting voice to say that I actually really enjoy Disneyland. However, that should be taken with the huge grain of salt that are my children and our annual passes. It is definitely geared for small ones more than other theme parks. And we have annual passes which mean that we can go whenever we want…
He is suffering from old white man's disease. It has been running rampant since Obama was elected.
I got a little rage-blind at that part.
Fixed it for you!
Definitely. I am generally not a fan of celebrities crying invasion of privacy. If you court the press to achieve your celebrity status, you can't complain when its inconvenient to you.
Hey, I hope this is relevant and doesn't offend anyone, but I've been wondering for a while if self-deprecation is partly a cultural and racial phenomenon. Like, if you're white, making fun of yourself and drawing attention to your flaws (a la Jennifer Lawrence) is seen as quirky and humanizing. If you're black,…
I find it quite telling that Solange and Jay Z got into fisticuffs, and yet all the stories seem to somehow revolve around Beyoncé.
So, essentially, researchers proved that alcohol affects your judgment?
I totally hate myself for still clicking on these articles, sigh.
I started tearing up when I realized I was Vanessa, this was describing my life, and that all I ever wanted was somebody to hold my hand.
"She has to lose 30 pounds or gain 60. Anything in between has no place on television."~Jack Donaghy