

I've never outright stolen something but I know how that should have played this.

All my love to your friend.

Like, I wanna be all upset that you've made some generalizations about the women who've posted on this thread... but you just casually mentioned that you kinda look like hot felon, so I'mma stand down. Out of respect.

Nah, he's married. It doesn't completely ruin the fantasy... but everybody likes Anna Farris, she's exudes that friend-who-just-happened-to-get-famous quality.

Mine too! Its so shameful but at the same time I'm all, "Saginaw's on that map BABY!"

urm, we think alike. (check out my avatar)

I'm sure there are some film schools out there that are a bit more equal in the ratio of men to women but the school I went to was about 80% men. Other females I've talked to in the industry, who went to film school, were totally out numbered as well.

This photo gives me flash backs to film school.

I believe they left the door open for him to have something remaining with all of that "Pillar and Stones" talk. Also, I was told that when you cut the stones from men, they poof up, like Lord Varys. Greyworm doen't look poofy to me.

You seem knowledgable on the subject, so help me to understand please, but is this a common occurrence, of recommending someone to not play and then not paying for their travel? Even if its not an official "baring" I know I would not be able to pay for the travel to the tournament, this would absolutely keep someone

Yes, exactly. If you have the Annual pass, you can go and hit up the attractions you really want or just the ones that you notice have an abnormally short line. It happens sometimes where the stars align and everyone seems to get stuck in like three other lines. You and yours can run around get into everything else

Or maybe, just maybe, he knew he was going to be shirtless in a scene in a movie and worked out like a manic (like we all would) and then after the movie, commenced with the living the life of moderation.

this was my EXACT facial expression

"who somehow swallowed that"

Mkay, speaking as one who works in reality television, yes there are sometimes bites are fed to the cast of some shows (especially celeb-reality) and there are times a cast is asked to reenact something that they, themselves did on their own accord ("Hey could you pick up that rock again?" or "Oh, we didn't get you

Dimple in the elbows! So tubby!

OMG Stop, you could have just said Billie Piper and I would have been sold.

I hope you even spoke to his manager. I week or two? As you're buying the book?! that's just mean spirited.