
“this is, after all, a studio comedy, which these days are almost all self-actualization lessons in disguise”

Exactly. My mom taught me when I was 12 because she was a single mom and made me understand that when she came home and didn’t feel like cooking, I either had to learn how to cook or fend for myself and either go to bed hungry or eat cereal. Since I wasn’t about that peasant life and wanted hot food I learned and have

My girlfriend had been bugging me about wanting to move to Florida. I kept saying “hell no, never” until she changed her mind.  What changed her mind?: We took a trip to Florida.

I’m so sorry to hear you’re having trouble with your deadbolt! You should probably just figure it out though. It’s pretty easy. Kind of weird that you came to us for that.

Oh. Yeah. You blend.

I was thinking the same thing. Vice Principals was fucking great.

Have you watched Vice Principals yet?

And let us not forget Austin Pendleton’s performance as the Public Defender. Sheer genius.

No, this is a slow news day: “We have just learned that President McKinley was assassinated in September 1901"

[takes Geoffrey behind the woodshed to shoot him in the head without kids seeing it]

What is a Ute?

These USA Gymnastics people act like being on the board is a birth right. It is not, it’s a privilege and an honour. If they truly believe that the board mission should be creating an environment for the victims to heal (which they keep saying), they need to seriously adjust their perspective and get over themselves.

The news of this pointless remake, I hate it so much, it - it - flames! Flames, on the side of my face...

Hello back!

If we’re talking Breeders’ songs I would say that “Divine Hammer” is their best one. So much fun.

C’mon... Season 2 wasn’t that bad. I can see why people didn’t enjoy it, but it certainly wasn’t the worst thing I’ve ever watched. It was definitely a step down from Season 1, but it had good moments and good performances.

The best summing-up I’ve seen.

Somebody asked her about that months ago, and her answer was that her character starts the movie as a much younger/smaller girl but the game magically makes her older and thus the clothes she was originally wearing don’t fit properly anymore.

one, plus one, plus two, plus one (chandelier crashes behind him).