
Reminder. If it had been left up to white people alone, there would be a pedophile in the senate right now.


I used to record the songs off of Monkees reruns! Usually you could hear my mom yelling or our dog barking in the background.

Same here. I’m a single parent with custody of my kids, and my brother, my only sibling, lives with his wife and kids on the other side of the planet. Thanksgiving these days have been just me, my kids and my parents for several years now. And while we’re all around each other a lot (I live close to my parents), it’s

“... This is not easy... At 8:07 AM President Boar’s Head Genoa Salami was assassinated by a hungry White House Staffer, he leaves behind his wife Slice of Havarti Cheese and their two children, Jalapeño Stuffed Olives.”

Prince’s guitar solo for While My Guitar Gently Weeps at RRHOF.

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This blew my 11 year-old mind when I saw it in the middle of a weekday afternoon.

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Al Green killing’ “Here I Am” on Soul Train in 1974. Literally doing a better performance with one arm in a sling than most performers can do with all their abilities.

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Janelle Monae doing Dance Apocalyptic on SNL

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Several come to mind, especially if you count ones I’ve seen on tape (like the Beatles on Ed Sullivan), and a few that no one else would remember (like Tom Waits on the Daily Show). The one that truly stands out, though, is Warren Zevon’s last live performances on Letterman. The man was dying and his voice was weak,

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Neil Young, absolutely revitalizing himself when he appeared on SNL promoting his album, “Freedom,” in 1989. This is not the Neil Young we had sadly grown used to seeing over the previous several years. I was calling people on the phone during this, shouting at them to turn on SNL!

This article completely missed the Cobra Kai costume. The best part of that whole sequence

It’s updated because all of those famous women in Hollywood call attention to all of the OTHER numbers of women who also experienced the same harassment, victimization, and assault but who weren’t “lucky” enough to have the benefits of professional success and who probably had professional set backs as a results,

It’s been a busy week, so ‘front to back’ listens were kind of thin. The only thing I listened to was Horace Silver’s Doin’ The Thing.

Well, some part of the audience replied with an astonshied “wooo!”, thereby confirming that they understood the serious situation that MacFarlane was addressing.

A few years ago, I was visiting my parents in Texas, and I bought some Girl Scout Cookies from a little girl. I told her that I live in Michigan, where they wouldn’t start selling cookies for another few weeks, and she suggested that I buy her entire stock and corner the market here since nobody else has them yet.

Hey BSA: Good work. Seeing progress out of an organization that I spent a lot of time with and never expected to see is deeply heartening. Tons of work still to do but this makes happy.

I may stand alone in thinking that Franco is doing a remarkable job. Vince is completely believable as a character, and Frankie may be one dimensional, but is well played.

I’ve been a few times and can say each time was a great experience ending with a quality cut. The one star is for my last visit and judging by the other negative reviews I’ve read, for the very same reason...or should that be barber. The dude that flicks his hair around constantly, calls himself if I’m not mistaken