
I had the entire Little House series, which I loved.  I also had the complete Nancy Drew in hardback, that my grandmother had given me over the years.  I lost both in a flood in my basement one year.  I remember Holly Hobbie, but I didn’t have anything of hers (especially not that fancy EZ Bake Oven).  

In 8th grade we had to take a Constitution test in order to pass.  One of the questions was “Write out the Preamble to the Constitution”.  You could hear everyone sort of muttering under their breath as they sang the song to remember.

I saw Willie in concert that past summer.  He does not appear to be in great shape.  

I ran across someone the other day who had never heard of Brexit and didn’t know what it was.  I was flabbergasted, I tell you.

You obviously haven’t seen SOB.  I suggest you get on that.

Yeah, that seems like asking for intestinal distress.

Hey now, I use empty containers for leftovers and I don’t consider myself white trash.  Just thrifty.  Tupperware can be expensive, and I’m always losing the lids someplace.  They must be with all the single socks I’ve lost.

I love stuff like that!  I totally geek out over the Muscle Shoals doc and Sound City.

Well that’s no fun.

I must find that PBS show.

If she is eating lasagna with a pastry fork, she deserves whatever she gets.

Gwen, if you aren’t watching Rehab Addict, you should.  Nicole is great, totally dedicated to restoring the original beauty to all her projects.  Another great example of a strong woman.

Me too.  I figure I’m responsible for at least 50 of those 53 million views.

Aww! That is darling!  

Who is naming these movies?  They are all so non-descriptive and boring.  

Sugar Blue is killer top to bottom.  I listen to that on road trips a lot.

I absolutely love Diamond Life; hearing this had me pull it out and it’s like a favorite blanket.  Just settles over me gently.  


Such a groovy song

I just noticed this last night myself!  Watching The Flash; Iris brought in to-go cups of coffee in a cardboard holder, and kept flinging it around so that you knew the cups were empty.   Maybe a little water just to keep the illusion?