
I bartended after college in 92 and the bar only had 5 cd’s they would play.  This was one of them.  I never want to hear Loverboy ever again.

I always wondered how De Young got the rest of them to agree to release Mr Roboto as a single.  It’s so incredibly shitty.  ‘83 had some great stuff, but you just never heard it on the radio because everything was Top 40.

I am too, and I ESPECIALLY don’t want to talk during a massage.  Not at all.

I’m an LJ too!  Twins!  I am definitely not a millennial, though I did have to learn to cook for myself because my mother was a terrible cook.  I feel like all this stuff is just massive, sweeping generalizations, because if they didn’t do that, what would they have to bitch about?

He was great in Star 80!  So creepy and scary.  I thought he was also great in Pope of Greenwich Village and The Coca Cola Kid.  I lost track of him after that.

I totally need to do this!  My dinner plates are too tall, and I can only fit a few in at a time because they need to lean.  I hope my dishwasher has this option **crosses fingers and toes***!!

This girl is badass!  She’s awesome and I look up to her even though I’m over 3x her age.  She is, rightly, an inspiration!

I like them because I can watch them with my 9 year old.  They are fairly entertaining for what they are, despite TC.

I finally caught up with St Vincent’s Masseduction, and I am so glad I did. What a great f*cking record.

But how many times have you wanted to say just that?

My biological clock is tickin’ like dis (stomp stomp stomp) and at this rate, I ain’t nevah gettin married!!

I will defend that movie forever.  I love it.  Marisa Tomei makes it.

I heard this on NPR last night, and as an MSU alum, and as a woman, I am horrified that this was allowed to go on unchecked.  I hope everyone who had a hand in this cover up suffers until their end.

I have nothing of value to add, but I want to say I love his denim shorts and I wish cut offs would come back in style.  I wore them constantly in the late 80's early 90's.

Of course you are right.  I just meant in my personal, very limited world.

I know there are schools that don’t allow peanut products at all, although my son’s school will just make him eat away from the other kids if he brings peanut butter.  I have had to train myself to ask if kids I am feeding or providing food for have allergies, because this was not an issue when I was growing up and my

Girls in my gym class would just wander away and smoke.  Totally different times!

I think you are right, either lunch or recess/between classes.  In class it likely would have been confiscated immediately.

Yes, exactly.  Thanks for clarifying.

I’m assuming they mean to share, like for birthdays and such.  My child’s school has a “safe” list on line that you have to check before you bring anything in, and it has to be in the original packaging.  He can still bring his own lunch.