
Yeah, I saw it before TLJ this weekend, and I had no idea what was going on.  I still kinda want to see it, though.

You’d be surprised, then.  There are men that feel a position of power just by being men, and are banking on the fact that the victim won’t say anything.  And too often, they are correct.

If you were pursuing her with the intention of sex only, I understand why you feel that way.  But if you were also looking for a continued relationship, speaking as a woman, I don’t think you have anything to feel guilty for.  Not that I think consenting adults can’t just enjoy sex and move on, but it’s more of a gray

I’m going to have to wait for retirement before I see everything I want to.

Nashville Sound definitely belongs on this list; I don’t know what they are doing over there.

Bron-Y-Aur from Physical Graffiti. For some reason it evokes a walk in a quiet snowfall.

For the love of Mike I read “box set” as “bot sex” and I don’t know what is wrong with my brain.  I’m starting to worry about it.

Where is my green puking emoji when I need it?

I like to joke that eons ago all the Irish words were in the hands of some Irishmen at the pub and in the midst of everything they all got dropped on the floor.  This is the result of the sweeping up.

I thought he was fantastic in A Home.   I think he’s better in more character driven stuff, like In Bruges.

That IS a fun fact!

Come on, now; it’s right there in the name!

That ass was divine.

I heard Spent the Day in Bed, and was shocked at how great it was. Low expectations, I guess, but it’s definitely classic Moz.

Ok, I’ll bite: where do I find it? Is it a separate URL? Or filed under the AV Club?

Why is it that alt-right snowflakes are so bad at grammar, spelling, and punctuation? You can feel free to f*ck right off.

Oooh, this sounds right up my alley. I’ve got to check it out.

Somewhere in the show Max says that they moved to Indiana to be farther away from her father, and since Billy is an assh*le, he’s blaming the parents decision on her.

As soon as he got in the lobby and smiled at Joyce, I knew he was an immediate goner. Poor Bob!

I wasn’t a latchkey kid but in the summer my mother never knew where I was. In fact, if someone else’e mom fed me lunch, I could be gone for 10 hours and she didn’t care.