
? this is confusing me even more. Monaco is a tiny republic in the south of France where rich europeans hide their money (kinda like the Luxembourg of the South if you will) Dortmund is in a completely different country. Also, as a 33 year old American, I have never herd the term ‘home and home’ for a sporting event.

“Borussia Dortmund’s Champions League tie with Monaco”

Snooker is awesome! If you are looking to learn it / mess around. There are plenty of apps for your phone/tablet that you can screw around with until you get the hang of it. In real life it is more difficult that straight up pool, but tons of fun.

I tried watching his new netflix stand up the other night. I turned it off too. It was a huge miss.

Echte Liebe! Best fans in the world.

Yeah, but who is going to buy a mini helmet if they can’t see the drivers helmet??? -F1's marketing department

right! I totally had to bust out the dictionary for that. And now I love it.

lol, you know most of this shit is bullshit but generates content. I ran the LA marathon hungover (3:39:25). But it was the 3rd marathon in 6 months. I was running 5 days a week. Moral of the story: train for what you’re trying to attempt.

i’m still trying to figure out how this entire “esports” industry isn’t supported by more than a tooth pic.

Nah, I think that is standard for a actress when the john has an infatuation.

No idea. Golf... the expensive way to play darts.

I kinda thought that too, but when it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

It’s the truth though. I agree with Kaep. But his freedom of speech doesn’t entitle him to a job. I think he is brave but I’m not surprised in other teams not wanting to be involved in a media controversy.

I hated having to tilt the switch/controller to aim at first but by the end of the test fire I really liked it. I’m not a big FPS and didn’t play the first game but DAMN this game is just so much fun!

Supposedly the release date leaked on some British gaming site. It’s the end of August. The Global Test Fire was awesome, I’ll definitely be buying this.

Marchionne is a tool who consistently puts his foot in his mouth. #BringBackLuca

13 hearts! Just got my 13th, on my way to that fucking sword! I totally got a guardian amiibo though, you can get ancient arrows from it!

This. It’s a pain in the ass to time it right but that shit works!

This game in general is the biggest Assassin’s Creed rip off I’ve ever seen. And I still love it.

I was about the say “this was me at 14 playing GT” lol, spot on. COTD