
As a life long Juve fan, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a shady call at the end of the game that landed them a PK. But this doesn’t seem shady, it’s clearly a hand ball.

But how else are we going to find out about who is signing up for the Kiev Major? What ever the fuck that is.

I’ve always said to stick to booze with higher ABV, now they are doing it with water? Fucking hipsters.

Zelda BotW just feels like Assassins Creed but with Link. I don’t mind it but it’s pretty obvious.

cus it’s like a 3ds, + wii combined. Which is what wii U tried and failed at. but at least we can take games on the go now.

Ehh, I’m not that serious of a gamer, I have no idea what those gamers are that you mentioned. I make enough money that the switch and zelda wasn’t a big hit to my wallet (and I didn’t pre-order [humble brag i guess]). I really like it. I like the 3ds too, no i want sun and moon on the switch.

Yeah, If I had spend time with someone writes about but doesn’t know how to do all the time, I would be the person throwing the punches.

lol, “The Legend of Zelda: Lets Make an Assassins Creed game”


“puto” yelled at a man basically means you are a gay whore/ you take it in the ass, “maricon” means you’re a gay man, it’s their version of ‘fag’. It i absolutely meant as an emasculating insult when it is being chanted by half the crowd in the stadium.

I understood and agreed with this entire post. Does that mean I’m ‘woke’? Or if I have to ask does it mean im not woke?

I wouldn’t even consider buying this thing until there is a mario kart to go with it.

Dom, I’ve been a Jets fan for 30 years, we are always in “Full-on Tank Mode”, I follow F1, hockey and soccer because of these fucks.

Not saying anyone does! Was just using it as a point of reference. So I’m sorry for exercising and raising money for charities, also, go fuck yourself :)

Other than Lance, who has anyone complained about?

“doping is frowned upon pretty heavily in the amateur circuit.”

I’ve done 3 100 mile (century) rides, they hurt. Honestly, no one who bikes gives a fuck about them doping. They are doing century+ rides every day, for three weeks straight, up the fucking alps. Wiggens is totally doping, he went from a mid pack guy at Garmin Slip-Stream (a team that actually tested their riders) to

That is true. But Oscar night is basically all of them sucking each others dicks and trying to show off how great they are. I don’t think they would do something like this, that made them look like a bunch of idiots.

you are suggesting they pulled this for ratings in the last few minutes of the show? You realize that isn’t how ratings works, right?

Rich Juzwiak still has a job?