
I can’t get too invested in NuGreg because he just seems like Skylar pretending to be Santino playing Greg. I have tried to talk myself into NuGreg, and I can’t do it.

Ain’t no moving bill ever sparked joy, for sure.  Good luck with the move!

Insufficient stars!!!

Thank you for reporting on this.  Not sure why we continue to lionize law enforcement when they don’t do basic things, like assisting citizens known to be in danger.

Weird Al has a good defense on the basis of parody, and the Supreme Court has a special place in its jurisprudence for parody.

At least they sort of lampshade it at the end by her saying she’s going to study up on criminal law so that she can give better advice.

you’re betraying some Northwest roots, here, with your Fred Meyer AND your willingness to garden

I can’t believe they all got fired for this.  This firm sounds eligible for canonization.  

*was* she totally oblivious they all followed it, though?  nobody’s instagramming because they’re too confused to figure out how to keep a private diary.

Yep, sure was!

Or just straight-up hide ‘em.  Out of side, out of mind.  But this is a real thing kids do.

I dated a guy in college who wore pajama pants.  Had like, a lot of pairs.  He’s now running for Congress.  

I did get some sympathy from the airline employees when my husband took us to the wrong airport while we had two toddlers in tow.  I felt like they would’ve handed me a drink if they’d had one handy.


I feel like you could be a good patent lawyer.

The original Herbie!  Would love that.

I’m legit laughing out loud.  Thank you for this.

I knew a French guy once who got a little mixed on when you do internal pluralization in English and was always talking about going to ‘Traders Joe.’