
Rachael Leigh Cook [swoon]!

I mean, it’s no more or less normal than other nice wedding or party venues. Besides, as has been said elsewhere: the people meeting, and the content of that meeting, is far more important than the venue.

Anyway, the fuck is this?!

I mean, the content of the meeting is important, yeah-but wine caves are normal enough that if someone told me they had their wedding reception or office holiday party in one I wouldn’t be surprised or anything. I’ve seen some folks online (I assume folks back east) who were acting like a wine cave was some sort of

So, here’s the thing: a wine cave is a pretty normal thing if you’re from NorCal. Having a *private* one would be crazy, like having a private helipad, but caves are normal (and historical!) for storing wine since they stay at 60F year round and their humidity stays constant. 

Oh, I’m okay. Just laughing my heart out about someone using fame made by “decluttering” and now trying to sell useless stuff. I mean, look at this junk.

I have no issues with Marie Kondo. My dad was a compulsive hoarder and I think getting rid of things that aren’t actually making your life better is a good thing. But I’m kind of amazed how defensive some people are about this, given that this iteration of her brand is really just a celebrity selling overpriced rubbish


I actually learned to type on a typewriter and that was HAMMERED into us. So weird how shit changes. And how most of us adapt. 

Win or lose next November, we’re all going to look back on this primary and come to the conclusion that Biden and Sanders poisoned the well. There’s no reason either of them should be running, but the fact that they both chose to run sucked all the oxygen out of what could have been a much more fruitful and productive

but people should know nobody really looks like that day-to-day.

Yeah. People need to understand that, for example, Chris Hemsworth knows what days he’s filming with his shirt off WAY in advance, and times his diet and water intake accordingly. It’s no different than being a fitness magazine model: they look awesome almost all the time, but they only look like THAT for a couple of

The Big Thicc.

Damn. First Chris Pratt, then Paul Rudd, now Kumail.

Apparently, Emily Gordon replied on Instagram with a simple “Worth it.”

This seems rude as Hell to me. Wtf? Cats was a very famous and successful show. The people in it worked very hard.

Is it just me or is this just a little mean spirited? Asking someone if their embarrassed to be in something they’ve done for years? Something that help make their careers? I see the walk back in the beginning but still...I get the Jezebel snark but lately it just seems meaner.

Marvel shelved a bunch of other upcoming television projects recently, and so it sounds like once these last few remaining shows finish up, Marvel’s done with TV, at least until Disney runs out of other ideas.

Those Disney+ shows are produced by the same Marvel braintrust as the movies, I think. This refers to the TV/streaming only unit that was actually run completely separately from the movie unit, and was headed by cheapskate racist Ike Perlmutter, who seemed to exist primarily to fuck up the opportunity of Jessica Jones