
Solid work by the Jumbotron camera dude. He really starts using the boo-yay dichotomy at the end there. I laughed.

I’m a Cardinal fan and obviously don’t grudge McCaffrey a thing. I am bummed I won’t get to see him play again. Fun to watch.

It’s so stoic of them to be obsessed with getting laid all the time!

yeah but I mean how is he at the Viennese Waltz? until we know this, can we really compare him to Von Miller?

This is the craziest justification. Writing down your findings doesn’t take that much longer than making the findings and presenting them orally. It does not take an extra six months to write down what you were planning to say out loud. It also does not really take lawyers six months to do any one thing. (As a

On cookies for the labor and delivery / recovery nurses:

I don’t think most people go there to live in a pimped-out mansion, but because they are interested in their tech work. They get paid more than average, but for the non-CEOs/venture people/etc., it buys less than average, and that’s the tradeoff you take for working at a job you find interesting. Telecommuting isn’t

that is what is called “stealing” or “fraud”

As a former bagger, I agree. I hate self-checkout but really prefer when there is no bagger so I can just bag the stuff myself, properly, and not rub the oranges with raw chicken juice or mix Windex and strawberries.

Read the headline and thought, man, who DOES?

I had never wanted to be Queen more than watching that Opening Ceremony - walking through her pimp house with a bunch of Corgis and the best Bond, and then getting into a helicopter. (I think I would be a dope symbolic head of state, apart from having said “dope” ironically too long and now saying it sincerely.)

First: this is a civil trial. No one can be found “guilty.” He can be found liable.

Jane Doe is the name that is being used in the public record, as the court has, for the present, allowed her to remain anonymous. It’s not her real name, and Diana didn’t make it up.


Batty McBatFace. Man Dressed Like a Bat. Batt-mann. Guy in a Burqua.

as a 30-year-old woman, I say hell yeah

Obviously one can’t speculate on the merits of this particular suit, but just want to note that the fact that a type of lawsuit is common (i.e. age discrimination lawsuits in Silicon Valley) doesn’t mean that most of them have merit, much less that any particular suit has merit.

In CA: $2150. A MONTH. Which is $26K a year. And people wonder why women give up working.

Why yes, yes it is. Let me help you with it, in fact - “if its probative value substantially outweighs the danger of harm to any victim and of prejudice to any party.” You might want to focus on reading careful in your continued representation of Mr. Rose.

Man, someone should make a rule about this. Oh wait, they did, it’s Federal Rule of Evidence 412: