
I’m more surprised that he actually has a heart. He’s never shown signs of possessing one

Interesting that he had a stent placed. I figured his last chest pains were bullshit, but they don’t put in stents for no reason. Now will pray for whatever actual heart problems he has to be cured so he can spend many many many years rotting in prison where he belongs.

What an odd argument. One could also say “Why bother what California says in the primary, they’re going to vote for the Democrat anyway.”

I mean hell, why not just hold it in the four or five states really up for grabs?

Ah, a man can dream...

Now playing

Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving fella.

AHS: Tough Mudder

This season will be about...

I’d love to know how she, Kate, and all of the other stiletto-wearing royals walk on cobblestones without killing themselves. Serious skill right there.

I mean, Musk and Sanders are both shouty folks with huge dreams and no real plans behind them when you take five seconds to look at them and a weird cult supporting them, so she’s right.

I dunno.  I mean, when he says “you can’t buy personality” he’s definitely speaking from experience.

You just wait until he turns his sights on Tom Steyer. It’ll be brutal.

Take that, Democrat party frontrunner Michael Bloomberg!

This is a show ostentatiously for conservative women. So no talking about race because that makes them uncomfortable. Even if they’re brown themselves. They want to believe in a colorblind world where they always have a chance with the white Prince Charming the show has selected for the year.

We should sneak into these bills a requirement that the politicians who support these bills have to get their urethra scoped every time a woman has to get a trans-vaginal sonogram. What is good for the gander is good for the goose.

And Republicans once again prove they hate fun and joy and life itself.

Republicans rail against big government, except when they don’t like shit, then it is legislate it away.

“determine whether any sexual material provided to the public by the public library is age-inappropriate sexual material.”

My goodness. If you don’t want your kids to go to drag queen story hour, don’t take them to the library at that time. You can easily clutch your pearls in the comfort of your own home. Don’t ruin fun for the rest of us.