

Why do millennials think all 80s/90s video tape is cursed and automatically horror movie fodder?

And the girl scouts are very progressive and even have partnerships with planned parenthood.

So different.

Combining Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts is not at all an obvious move. They are two separate organizations with different governing ethos. The Boy Scouts are much more conservative and only recently lifted their ban on gay members. It was a mistake for the Girl Scouts to mimic the Boy Scouts’ name in that first place,

Maybe in some perfect world, combining them would work, but with the BSA’s chapter 11, it would be a monumentally dumb decision for the girl scouts to do that in any sort of legal way.

“...combining the two groups seems like an obvious solution to the casual observer...”

Smythe: “I want to be a published author!”

This was my favorite take on twitter when the whole thing broke

Also, one of my favorite fanfics has the epigraph “Thinking a reporter genuinely likes you is on par with thinking you’re really special to that stripper.” Seems apt.

<<Diana, who gave him multiple children>>

There’s so much to unpack when it comes to Americans deciding that other countries should overthrow their governments because we somehow know what’s best for the people of another nation? That’s just a new brand of colonialism, and it’s gross.

Here’s all I have to say to Rush:

Stem cell research saved Trump.  Guess we should have stopped it much sooner.

I have this incredible adoration for Michael J. Fox. When I was in my teens and early 20's, I fell in love with his performance in you-know-which-movies, so much that I actually used to love his barely-passable comedies like Secret of My Success and For Love or Money (hell, I still love The Frighteners, but it’s

Another in an increasingly long list of docs about pedophiles in the music industry 

I did? I do?

They got married during filming... I can’t remember what season. It seems like a thing with the Fischer Boys (Six Feet Under reference) to get romantically involved with their on screen sisters. See Peter Krause dating Lauren Graham on Brothers and Sisters. 

Trinity season was a work of art. A lot of time I pretend it ended there.

The first 3? 4? seasons of Dexter were so fucking good, and then it just spiraled so quickly. Once Dexter stopped making no-nonsense rational decisions in favor of impulsive, irrational decisions and thereby thoroughly betraying the character, it went downhill really fast.

You cannot write an article about Dexter without mentioning his adoptive sister and police detective Debra “fucking” Morgan who I loved as a character even more than Dexter himself. This is due to her creative use of curse words and excellent portrayal by Jennifer Carpenter.