
Rereading this has become part of my annual holiday tradition. Can you please record a listen-along piece in case I should happen across this abortion of a movie? B/c I really don’t want to re-watch it, except when I’m rereading this.

I think that ‘defund the police’ needs a) a better name & b) better PR. Like ‘fund the social, healthcare, mental healthcare, addiction, interventionist workers’.

Just watched the embedded video & am sitting here in tears.

OMG, maybe they’ll remake the mid-90s Wolf with Nicholson, Spader & Pfeiffer. God, I loved that movie.

Not my neighbor, my friend’s - lived in a 4-unit condo building & one of the guys on the ground floor decided to commit suicide by packing his condo with gas cans & lighting them. Blew up the whole building (amazingly the places on either side were relatively unscathed). Considerately (/s), did it in the middle of the

When we lived in Germany, we only had one small trash can for the week, so most everything went into recycling. One time I came home and our terrible hausfrau neighbor was putting her trash into our can! Rotten woman!

OMG, I had nightmares. The one where they got buried up to their neck’s on the beach? I have NEVER allowed anyone to bury me on a beach, even if I were flat & only under a couple inches of sand.

Aw, now I want to re-watch French Kiss.

Maybe he’s different since he’s on CNN now, but he used to drive me up the fucking wall (in a bad way) when he was on GMA b/c most of the female guests he would greet or bid adieu with some variant on “you’re so pretty!” Like, it’s a fucking heart doctor here to talk about heart disease month & he would comment how

You KNOW Drump sneezes into the air all day long.

She looks like a Real Doll (tm).

RIP ‘Great News’.

Isn’t a massive war in the Middle East supposed to help bring along the end times?

Ugh, from the trailer, my only reaction is: trying too hard to be bad! Like so many people in the first round of American Idol.

World leader! Yeah! MAGA! USA! USA! USA! WOOOOOOOO!!!

The only good reason for this to have happened is maybe Tina Fey will make an appearance on SNL this weekend.

Right? C’mon, western medicine, do your thing!

So can a girl. Check out this dreamboat!

But when is he eligible for parole? Fingers crossed it’s not less than 15 years.