
Where do you think they got the idea??

As a Virginian, I’m sorry we foisted this asshole on the rest of the country. As with so many other Drump appointees, he’s failed upward (aka white guy style), so now he’s here to wreak havoc on everyone.

I have literally no memory of that Lea Thompson/2018 version. Did it actually hit theaters??

Wait, what?

My friend and I were at the Uptown theater in DC to see something & there was a trailer for Jurassic Park 2, which consisted of almost nothing but a t-rex head in a rainstorm, but during the lightning flashes, the house lights flashed, too!! I was so excited about it, I made my friend go back there to see JP2! Man,

The 90210 re-reboot is AMAZING. 

WHAT. OMG. Must find DQ in my area...

The last three years of my life have been a near-constant state of attempting that very quest, with varying levels of success.

You do you, goingaway. You do you.

I always had a soft spot for the Flintstones push-up pop. Rainbow ice pop was pretty good too - even better on a really hot day b/c ice cream would make me so thirsty.

Soft serve at Carvel with the chocolate dip! Or covered in rainbow sprinkles. NOMS.

I had a Choco Taco last weekend for the first time in probably decades. It was heavenly.

I stopped following football a couple of years ago, but I still tune in for this team’s WYTS every year. Aaaaaaah, that’s refreshing.

Trent Williams hyperextends his knee digging through our Serta™ football turf and stubs his toe on the right engine from Air Florida Flight 90.

...she just happened to mention that she has a tattoo (twice).

Since ML is involved, I will definitely be watching. Like Ryan said, it’s kind of gross for everyone else to be telling her story.

“I don’t care about this show so much that I’m going to go into the comments on articles and spout half-remembered nonsense about it!!

Source, please!!

All I care about is being the meat in that pictured beefcake sandwich.

And therefore, we should give the dude the benefit of the doubt!