liz.lemonade: She is beyond good and evil.

To be honest...I did not expect this show to have such a nuanced portrayal of Black life! Thank you for this feedback, I’d be open to more. 

At this point, saying “Fan reaction to The Last Jedi was negative” is kind of like saying “fan reaction to Vader being Luke’s father was negative.” That’s technically true; some fans WERE negative about that. But they were a small minority who were dwarfed by the massive box office returns and positive critical

Glad to see this as the top comment, because I was screaming at this article from the start, lol.

There is some real potential for beauty if they do it right. Right now, NuViz can play the notes, but he cannot play the music.

He has the memories of Vision cooking with Wanda, meeting her in Scotland and however many other places, and may even have whatever data she downloaded from their domestic bliss in the Hex.


I prefer calling the rebooted synthezoid ReVision.

I mean... what was she supposed to do?

I guess she could have turned herself in, but that is holding Wanda to a standard literally no hero has every done. Hell, they didn’t make her do it when she caused actual deaths in Nigeria.

What really sits wrong is Monica’s line of “They’ll never know what you sacrificed.” I’m

Well said.

In all the hub-bub about whether or not Vision’s “grief” line is actually great writing, an awful lot of folks have completely lost sight of the fact that the line itself has no weight if Olsen hadn’t put so much into displaying that grief, rawly and palpably.

Here’s as far as I will go on this. I find it great fun to speculate as to whether there is a bigger bad, or to dive on every morsel about cosmic rays and Monica’s engineer friend.

The problem becomes when people get mad about the show that doesn’t happen. So, if Reed Richards doesn’t show up, or if is “only”

Excellent article, all around.

SEe, my guess was this was what Vision was leading up to with his super awkward “We’ve been sneaking around to see if this relationship works, I think it does, let’s be together for realsies” speech in Infinity War. He was going to invite Wanda to stop running and come home. He just never got a chance to show her the

I don’t know who still needs to be told this, but racism can be internalized and POC can also be or act racist. (Not to mention that there are many non-white minorities in the US and it’s sadly not uncommon for one group to hate another. I have Jewish members of my own family who are way more vocal in their contempt

Pretty much. Starlee Kine argued recently that it was because of inside baseball at Gimlet because she had a story about a song planned for season 2 that got axed for financial reasons yet Reply All did a similar concept just fine (on a different song, to be fair).

Reading the tweets, there are specific instances of her contributing to the toxicity of the environment. Why are you so keen on litigating whether these people experienced racism/discrimination/retaliation for unionizing?

He also needed someone to tell him what Wanda went through. I said this on a previous thread, but it still holds.

For Wanda, the following happened:
* She makes the decision to kill Vision
* She kills Vision
* Thanos brings him back
* She fails to stop Thanos and watches Vision die
* She feels whatever the Snapped felt in

OK, half the world’s population disappears, sending economies, governments, religion and culture into chaos, tearing apart families, upending all science and remaking life as we know it.

Those in the know realize it happened everywhere.

Feel like there might be a few investigations.

Wakanda and Titan would be more

No, that can’t be right - the hexagon wasn’t invented until 1942. That’s why the US Department of Defense is headquartered in the Pentagon, a building with only five sides instead of six, as construction started there in 1941.

I’m not sure how the MCU can deal with the pandemic. In continuity, it happened during the Blip. It’s 3-4 years in the past from where we are picking up with the stories now. There was no reference to it in Endgame, which would have been kind of a big deal. Almost immediately after 1/2 the universes living things

From Wanda’s point of view:

She finally makes the decision to kill him