liz.lemonade: She is beyond good and evil.

Aw, man. Just when I was starting to really like Colin. Should’ve seen it coming.

Saw that header pic and immediately said, “Astrodome!” I got distracted and didn’t watch the first half of the season, but perhaps I’ll check it out. 

Yeah, it’s been a bit disheartening (and maybe unsurprising?) to see all the comments about how “Wow, this is a breakthrough role for Teyonah Parris! What a discovery!” Parris’s resume is longer and maybe more distinguished than just about anyone else in the cast. Hell, she had a three-season recurring role on Mad

Disney+ will likely submit this in the limited series category, which would also work in her favor.

My students always ask why I buy them Jolly Ranchers and Starburst as rewards/bribes instead of M&Ms. I reply that I don’t really like fruity candies, but if I bought chocolate, I would eat it all before 3rd period.

He did a great interview last year on “Fresh Air”, and he said that King George was the perfect role for a stage actor — all he had to do was show up on stage a few times, kill it, and then hang out backstage for the rest of the show.

I was in marching band, and we used to go to town on our rivals, the Trojans.

Yup. “Surpasses expectations” in the header implies that we didn’t already expect this to be as absolutely amazing as it turned out to be. Michaela Coel is a hell of a talent. I also like that this is such a tonal shift from Chewing Gum, which I adored. The lady has range, to say the least.

Yup. I followed a link to the Google form when it went viral, but I never finished filling it out because I couldn’t find my school ID. Plus, I suspected these dresses would not fit my size-18 curves. Ah well!

As an Atlantan, thank you for your leadership! (And I’m glad you’re still healthy despite the COVID.)

I’m building a fortress around Dolly Parton. 

Really? He’s an idiot. Next month I’ll be chaperoning my eighth prom as a row. My fashion tastes tend to run a bit more conservative (even though I’m a huge progressive Democrat) than everyone else’s, but I’ve never seen a wildly inappropriate prom dress. Sexy and a bit risque? Sure. But nothing that would make me

Community college presidents are NOT to be messed with. She will set you straight -- and charge a very reasonable tuition while she does it. 

If you have a moment and want to read about a “holy crap, that was close”, look up the Atlanta tornado in March 2008, which came within two blocks of the Georgia Dome in the closing minutes of a March Madness game. If Riley hadn’t hit that shot for overtime, 50,000 people would’ve been walking out of the Dome right as

It really is amazing how few people bother to wash their hands, even after using the bathroom. I read a study that said public restroom handwashing* has gone up to around 90%, though much of that is due to the implicit threat of everyone finding out you’re a filthy jerk who doesn’t wash their hands. But only about 50%

Yup. I teach high school, and all my students wear sweatshirts/tees and jeans or leggings. I do see a lot of sincere Selena tees and ironic(?) ‘80s metal tees, like Poison and Def Leppard. Oh, and those weird Polaroid logo shirts that were all the rage last fall. Whatever the case, there seems to be a deliberate

Why on earth would you use a semi-automatic weapon to kill deer

Yeah, since the start of last season, these three have basically treated the TARDIS as a very cool side gig, rather than as their be-all-and-end-all, which was definitely an issue with many previous companions. 

What gets me is that the people who refuse to get a flu shot practically brag about it, as if they’re taunting us with their defiance of herd immunity. Two years ago, I missed a week of work because of the flu, even though I got the vaccine. Guess what? I’m still going to get the shot every year for the rest of my

Heh. The route I usually take includes two 6-lane roads. But I didn’t think to check the Google Maps settings. Will do that now -- thanks!